Nexgenguru Ecosystem

3 min readNov 1, 2021

NGG Hierarchy

(Hubs plays a vital role in NGG DAO)

What are the HUBs?

Hubs are organizational mechanism for operating our services. We mainly have 3 hubs namely Innovation, Knowledge and Finance.

Innovation Hub

Innovation Hub builds and invests in potential projects such as NFTs, P2E games and DeFi projects in the early stage.

We aim to explore the different extents of blockchain and contribute positively to grow the whole community. NGG plans to make a creative vault under their Innovation hub in which the community can contribute their creative ideas. NGG intends to support such potential projects through funds, resources and other means of assistance.

Knowledge Hub

We aim to create a platform called Edu-vault for gurus (mentors), that can guide the community members in the crypto space.

The gurus will be:

1.Delivering quality content in crypto industry with an unprejudiced approach.

2.Training the community members at various level of expertise.

3.Reviewing and guiding the community members with model portfolio at different risk level.

4.Exploring different extents of blockchain and contribute positively to grow the whole community.

We aim to create a generation of creative people in the crypto space by training them from the beginner level to a pro level blockchain expert.

Finance Hub

We strive to help the community by providing portfolio management services at various levels and advising them at each step in their crypto journey. We at NGG sees an opportunity for a good portfolio management service

How the Hub works?

(NGG DAO fund grows exponentially as the community grows, giving more benefit to the holders)

NGG will act as a Venture Capitalist and incubates a wide variety of projects such as DeFi, NFTs, play to earn games and metaverse projects through their hubs. The revenue generated from the Hub services will go to a DAO fund which will then be reinvested. Tokens from our partnership projects will be rewarded to the members who stake the NGG tokens resulting a diversified portfolio.

Once all the Hubs services are live, NGG project will turn to a DAO where the community will get a chance to vote for the decision making with in the project.

By staking the NGG token, not only you are contributing to the growth of the project, but you will gain more NGG tokens as we go. As the project is designed to benefit the community, the demand for the token will be high, creating a long-term ecosystem for the NGG token.

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We incubates blockchain games and our community gets a share of these tokens! Grab our limited edition H-NFTs and get your 3D Avatar to use in the Metaverse!